困 stroke order
become distressed
Component Radicals
Jōyō 6
KKD 3808
Tuttle 851
Related Kanji
Word/Phrase Reading Meaning
困難 こんなん
  • difficulty
  • distress
  • 貧困 ひんこん
  • poor
  • needy
  • 困惑 こんわく
  • bewilderment
  • perplexity
  • embarrassment
  • 困り果てる こまりはてる
  • to be greatly perplexed
  • to be greatly embarrassed
  • 困窮 こんきゅう
  • poverty
  • distress
  • 困る こまる
  • to be troubled
  • to be worried
  • to be bothered
  • 困らせる こまらせる
  • to trouble with questions
  • to embarrass
  • to put out
  • 困り者 こまりもの
  • good-for-nothing
  • scapegrace
  • nuisance
  • 困り切る こまりきる
  • to be greatly perplexed
  • to be greatly embarrassed
  • 困苦 こんく
  • privation
  • hardship
  • Copyright © 2013-2016 J. Hipps / Neo-Retro Group, Inc.
    Version 0.10.5 () []

    Contents sourced from JMDict, JMNDict, KANJIDIC, Copyright © 2000-2015 EDRDG, compiled by Jim Breen, et. al. at Monash University; used under license. Radical decomposition from kradfile and kradfile2, Copyright © 2001-2012 KanjiCafe and EDRDG, compiled by Jim Rose, et. al., used under license. The System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns (SKIP) codes were developed by Jack Halpern. Copyright © 1990-2015 Jack Halpern, used under license. Stroke order diagrams generated from KanjiVG dataset, Copyright © 2009-2015 Ulrich Apel, used under license. Morphological Analysis via MeCab, Copyright © 2001-2012 Taku Kudo, © 2004-2008 Nippon Telephone and Telegraph. Adobe Kozuka Gothic Pro, Copyright © 1993-2011 Adobe Systems, Inc. M+ Fonts, Copyright © 2003-2014 Coji Morishita